
MSLAB helps patients with chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes.

What is type 2 diabetes? A pathology that affects patients whose blood sugar concentration is too high (hyperglycemia) due to too low insulin secretion.

How to support patients?

By advising them to adopt balanced eating habits and to practice a sport regularly. In addition to this healthy lifestyle, MSLAB provides them with insulin production stimulants and helps them prevent the indirect consequences of type 2 diabetes, such as skin dryness and the appearance of calluses on the feet.


MSLAB provides several antibiotics including beta-lactams to fight infections.

What is an antibiotic? The antibiotic is a molecule capable of blocking the cell development of the pathogenic bacteria responsible for the infection. For example, antibiotics from the beta-lactam group (amoxicillin) block the synthesis of bacterial walls.

MSLAB markets a range of antibiotics in intravenous form or in tablet form in order to cover a maximum of bacterial contamination in adults or children.

Mineral supplements

In order to support calcium-deficient patients, MSLAB offers 2 products for the well-being of the elderly subject in particular.

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a bone disease that combines a decrease in bone density and changes in its microarchitecture. The bone is more fragile and the risk of fractures increases.

MSLAB markets 2 products combining calcium and vitamin D3 in tablet and suspension form to help people whose dietary intake is insufficient.


MSLAB supports anemic patients by providing them with an iron-based syrup.

What is anemia? It is an iron deficiency in the blood causing a hemoglobin level in the blood below normal values. It is caused by a lack of meat intake, pregnancy, bleeding or may be the result of an attack of malaria.

Infectiology - parasitology

Malaria areas are still numerous in the world. According to the latest World Malaria Report, published in December 2020 on the WHO website, there were 229 million cases of malaria in 2019, compared to 228 million in 2018. MSLAB is committed to helping populations to treat the malaria crisis.

What is malaria? Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite of the genus Plasmodium. It is transmitted by the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are 5 species of parasite responsible for malaria in humans, including P.Falciparum and P.Vivax, which are the most dangerous.

How to support patients?

By providing them with products suitable for children and adults to include the entire population.

Digestive system


What is a vitamin deficiency? Vitamin deficiencies appear in the event of an unbalanced diet and low consumption of fresh produce.

How to deal with vitamin deficiencies?

MSLAB dispenses multivitamin drops intended for any deficient person. They contain vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, vitamin C, vitamin D2 and vitamin E.


MSLAB is committed to helping patients with digestive problems, including gastroesophageal reflux disease and stomach aches.

What is gastroesophageal reflux?

It is the rise in the esophagus of part of the gastric contents, acid. It is a normally intermittent and silent phenomenon, which occurs in all subjects after meals. In some, gastroesophageal reflux can be pathological if it is excessively frequent or prolonged. Possible symptoms include burning and acid regurgitation.

How to relieve patients?

By providing them with an antacid that coats the walls of the esophagus and stomach to reduce feelings of burning or discomfort.


What is anorexia? Anorexia is a symptom that corresponds to a loss of appetite. It may be anorexia nervosa which is a psychopathological disorder. Anorexia is frequently accompanied by feelings of nausea or disgust for food.

How to manage anorexia?

MSLAB presents an appetite stimulating syrup.


MSLAB supports breast cancer patients.

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. In 95% of cases, it is an adenocarcinoma. Detected early, it heals in 9 cases out of 10. An adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor which develops from the epithelial cells of the mammary gland either at the level of the milk ducts (the most frequent) or at the level of the lobules of the breast.

MSLAB offers postmenopausal women a drug to prevent recurrences, or following breast surgery or if surgery is not immediately feasible.


MSLAB supports patients with burns or skin conditions causing itching, pain, swelling, and rashes such as eczema or psoriasis.

What is eczema?

This chronic inflammatory disease causes redness and itching of the skin and evolves in flare-ups. It mainly affects infants and children but can persist into adulthood. She is not contagious.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin manifested by red patches covered with whitish scales or a thin silvery film that peels off easily. It is an autoimmune disease for which there is no treatment allowing a definitive cure for the moment.


MSLAB offers specific medicines for women's well-being and provides them with antifungals suitable for vaginal mycosis as well as a morning-after pill in the event of a risk of unwanted pregnancy.

What is mycosis?

A mycosis is an infection of the skin or mucous membranes by parasitic microfungi. Symptoms vary (most often itching) depending on the causative agent. It is treated by applying a local antifungal.

How does the morning after pill work?

The morning after pill or emergency contraception is a hormonal drug indicated for women following a report that risks causing an unwanted pregnancy. It blocks ovulation so that the male gametes cannot fertilize the egg. In addition, it thickens the cervical mucus preventing the passage of sperm to the egg.

Muscle relaxant

MSLAB is committed to patients with muscle contractures causing cramps, low back pain, or aches.

What is a muscle relaxant?

A muscle relaxant acts on the muscle to reduce its tone, which will relieve the patient with muscle pain.

Cardiovascular system

MSLAB supports hypertensive patients.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure resulting from the ejection of blood from the heart into the blood vessels. It is characterized by 2 extreme values:

The high value which is measured during the contraction of the heart (systole) and which makes it possible to propel blood through the aorta towards the peripheral arteries.

The low value measured during the relaxation of the heart (diastole) which allows the cardiac ventricle to receive the blood arriving in the atria through the vena cava and the pulmonary veins.

We speak of hypertension when the values ​​of these 2 constants are greater than 140 mmHg for systole and 90 mmHg for diastole.

MSLAB offers a beta-blocker to lower blood pressure.

The nervous system

MSLAB supports patients in the treatment of pain (including migraines), epilepsy, or anxiety disorders.

What is epilepsy?

An epileptic seizure corresponds to an abnormally high electrical activity of a set of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Neurons become hyperexcitable causing not an action potential but a train of action potential without repolarization or resting phase. A distinction is made between symptomatic epilepsies caused by a cerebral lesion (tumor, stroke, head trauma, ingestion of toxic substances, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, or hyponatremia) from idiopathic epilepsies having a genetic origin.

MSLAB provides adult patients with an anti-epileptic molecule through its action on GABAergic receptors, reinforcing the inhibitory action of GABA.


In the context of erectile dysfunction, MSLAB offers Tadalafil.

How does this medicine work?

Tadalafil is a selective and reversible inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Its increase results from a relaxation of the smooth muscles and the blood flow in the penile tissues from where obtaining an erection.

Respiratory system

In the case of seasonal rhinitis, allergies or sinusitis, MSLAB supports patients with nasal decongestants, vasoconstrictors and antihistamines.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is the set of symptoms that occur during exposure to an allergen, that is to say an antigen generally foreign to the body encountered in daily life. This is a pathological exaggeration of the immune response.

How to support patients?

In the form of tablets or drops, MSLAB offers a few products suitable for adults or younger children that limit the effects of allergies and facilitate breathing through the nasal passages.
